Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Noise pollution - Definition and causes

It is not easy to give an adequate noise pollution definition. Basically noise pollution would be a form of pollution done by different audio sources that either distract, irritate or damage certain environment. Noise is really any unwanted sound, some sound that isn't natural to given environment and it causes disturbance to not only natural processes but can also cause harm to human society.

Noise pollution can become big environmental problem in some areas. It is not only stressful to many animals but can also cause the problems in predator/prey relation and detection, and even lead to different reproduction problems. More serious noise can even significantly reduce usable habitats for many sound-sensible animals, and can in the end even result in extinction of some species. For instance the noise pollution caused by man kills lot of sea animals, especially the ones that use the sense of hearing as the most important organ of perception like dolphins and whales. Scientists have found out that many whales and dolphins commit massive suicides by coming ashore guided by false signals that resulted from noise pollution.

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