Generally speaking, area around the North pole is mostly hit with climate change impact so it is really no surprise that Arctic ocean is becoming more and more acidic. This Arctic ocean pollution is increasing with each day because waters around North pole are absorbing more and more carbon dioxide. How serious is this pollution? Well, lets just say how some scientists predict that Arctic ocean will reach corrosive levels within the next 10 years.
As seas are getting more and more acidic life of many sea creatures are at stake, and this will surely cause tremendous damage to marine ecosystems in this area. We have to be also aware that process of ocean acidification isn't only taking place in Arctic ocean but also around the globe, though Arctic ocean is becoming acidic at the fastest rate in the world, mainly because CO2 is more soluble in cold water than hot water.
Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso of the National Centre for Scientific Research in France was the lead author of the latest study that predicts that by 2018, 10 percent of the ocean will be corrosively acidic, this number will rise to 50 percent in 2050, and by the end of the century the entire Arctic Ocean will be inhospitable to shellfish, if CO2 emissions continue their current trend in years to come.
How can we stop ocean acidification? The solution is the same as for the climate change, namely to massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ocean pollution problem in form of acidification also requires urgency just like the climate change but sadly politicians still do not look to be hurrying to come up with the possible solutions.
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