Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Carbon emissions causing huge ocean acidification

Majority of world's leading marine scientists agree that immediate action in reducing CO2 emissions is necessary if we want to slow down current levels of ocean acidification and give chance for survival to many different marine ecosystems. Ocean acidification is widely spreading doing severe damage to many sea creatures, and only way we can slow down this accelerating process is to limit future atmospheric CO2 levels. Without this we could see serious problems for many marine ecosystems, and many marine species will be push to the very edge of extinction.

Increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere are making ocean water more acidic as the gas dissolves to create carbonic acid. Scientists have calculated that ocean chemistry is changing 100 times faster than in the 650,000 years that preceded the modern industrial era and since the late 1980s an overall drop in the pH of the oceans fell from 8.16 to 8.05.
This rapidly increasing acidity has potential to hamper the ability of many different marine creatures (such as corals) to form calcium carbonate shells and skeletal structures. Scientists are warning that ocean acidification is exceptionally harmful in the larval and juvenile stages in the lives of many marine invertebrates, because ocean acidification not only inhibits calcification, but also affects reproduction and growth in some marine organisms.

As you can see scientists are as usually warning the world, but politics as usually fails to listen their warnings. Reducing carbon emissions is not only important because of ocean acidification but for the whole climate change issue, and all problems related to global warming and climate change. World still awaits obligatory international agreement that would really make the difference, and ensure that all world countries reduce carbon emission levels.

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