Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2012 Conservation Leadership Programme Awards

The Conservation Leadership Programme aims to contribute to long-term conservation in priority areas by encouraging and engaging potential leaders in biodiversity conservation and providing opportunities for individuals to gain practical skills and experience. This partnership initiative, which includes BirdLife International, Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International, and Wildlife Conservation Society, has been helping young conservationists across the world to achieve their goals for over 25 years. The Programme currently works toward its aims by offering awards, training, mentoring and networking opportunities.

The Conservation Leadership Programme is currently soliciting applications for 2012 Conservation Awards. These awards are aimed at early-career conservationists (less than 5 years professional experience in the conservation sector). Successful applicants will: 1.) develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of team members; 2.) implement a focused, high-priority conservation project combining research and action; and 3.) contribute to the long-term success of local conservation efforts.

• Future Conservationist Awards: Approximately 22 awards of up to $15,000 each
• Conservation Follow-up Awards: Approximately 5 awards of up to $25,000 each (available only to previous CLP award winners)
• Conservation Leadership Awards: 1 award of $50,000 each (available only to previous CLP award winners)

The application deadline is 18th November 2011 and awards will be announced in April 2012. Please visit the CLP website,, for detailed eligibility criteria, guidelines and an application form. Please forward this announcement to other potentially interested individuals, organizations or academic institutions.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a member of the CLP team well before the application deadline for advice on project eligibility, methods and project activities. The CLP can also put teams in touch with local partner offices or other experts who can provide additional advice. Those applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will receive feedback on their proposals from expert reviewers

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