Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CARE Grant Recipients Recognized at White House

The EPA will mark the award of 100 cooperative agreement grants by EPA’s Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) program during a White House event scheduled for the morning of October 18, 2011.

The CARE program enables and assists communities across the country better understand, address, and deal with their environmental problems through local partnerships. Since its launch in 2005, the CARE program has leveraged EPA grant funding dollar-for-dollar with in-kind donations to 87 communities in 40 states and territories with over 1,700 partners engaged.

CARE communities are addressing EPA priorities and goals on climate change, improving air quality, assuring the safety of chemicals, cleaning up their communities, and protecting America’s waters. The CARE program has demonstrated its success in a number of ways from receiving a very positive third party evaluation by the National Academy of Public Administration to modeling the Administrator’s vision of “One EPA” to fulfilling the Agency priority of “Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism.”

On the morning of October 18, 2011, participants and other invitees will celebrate the CARE Program with a briefing on community partnerships and green jobs followed by a tour of the White House.

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