Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Greenwire was founded in 1991 by former New York Times reporter Phil Shabecoff and published by the American Political Network (APN), a company that also produced the online political daily Hotline. APN was purchased by National Journal in 1995. Greenwire initially provided "coverage of the coverage" reporting: the staff would review hundreds of newspapers every day and synthesize the day's environmental news into 20 or so stories that were sent out to paying subscribers.

When E&E Publishing bought Greenwire in October 2000, the company expanded its mission to incorporate original reporting and include energy issues as part of Greenwire's editorial scope. It is now edited by Amy Carlile, who oversees the wire stories; and Cy Zaneski, who edits original stories about environmental topics ranging from climate change to sustainable design to agriculture appropriations.

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