Impurity and contamination in the environment we breathe and partake is defined as environmental pollution. These impurities are certainly created from man-made activities and animal's natural attributes. The impurity can be air, water, land any sort of thermal radiation, etc. Now these aspects are interrelated towards destructing the face of the ozone layer, which in turn will exacerbate the state of global warming and create undesirable climatic disasters all over the globe. The main problem begins with industrialization and technological growth which releases noxious gases and chemicals into the air and simultaneously into water, wherein, the soil happens to get scuffed in this entire process too. When elements like water and soil are involved, catastrophes like ground leakage, waste-water discharge, surface-run off, littering, soil contamination all these environmental issues crowd together and destroy our eco-system unitedly. In addition to this, another aspect that is worth the consideration is the alarming population in several countries. Due to the growing population in places where knowledge is inadequate, the economic and social livelihood is dwelling on an extreme low profile.
Well, with this discussion on the environmental pollution causes and its consequences, we need to take a peek into the insight of the substantial environmental pollution facts that has been existing and revolving in the core of this subject.
Well, with this discussion on the environmental pollution causes and its consequences, we need to take a peek into the insight of the substantial environmental pollution facts that has been existing and revolving in the core of this subject.
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